PAC Information

What is PAC?

PAC stands for Parent Advisory Council. The PAC represents parents/guardians and provides input to the school and the district about any aspect of education. The PAC encourages parent involvement in the school and provides a forum for discussion of issues related to education. The PAC also raises funds to support the school with purchases such as books and sports equipment, as well as special events, enhanced learning opportunities and guest presentations.

The Lyndhurst PAC is involved in many initiatives that helps make our school a positive, enjoyable, and safe place for the students and staff. Some recent PAC initiatives and activities include:

  • Providing Hot Lunch three days a week throughout the year
  • Purchasing Earthquake emergency supplies
  • Organizing events such as the back-to-school parent coffee, Fall pumpkin patch, movie nights, fun fairs and pancake breakfast.
  • Replacing the old garden boxes in front of the school
  • Supplying items such as playground equipment, sports equipment and uniforms, library books, music equipment and choir shirts, field trips, and classroom supplies.
  • Representing Lyndhurst at the Burnaby DPAC (District Parent Advisory Council) meetings, and keeping parents informed on district initiatives and events.

How can I get involved?

All parents and guardians are already members of the PAC. Getting involved is as simple as attending a meeting or reading the meeting minutes. However, volunteering is a great way to be involved in the school community. You can participate in many ways; we value all parents’ contributions!

Lyndhurst PAC is always looking for volunteers. There are many different opportunities, including one-time and ongoing tasks both during school hours or on evenings or weekends. We can’t provide the events, supplies, or equipment that benefit all of our kids without volunteer help.

Do you have a skill or interest that might help the PAC with administration, fundraising, event planning, or communications? Whether you have an hour a week, an hour a month, or just a few hours a year, if you have a specific interest or skill and would like to volunteer your time, please let us know – we will try to find a good fit! Please contact for more information or to let us know how you might like to work with us!

Roles to be Filled:

Many who have been serving on the PAC Exec will be leaving the school at this end of this year. As such, we are currently in need of the following officers:

  • Chair / Co-Chair – sets the agenda; runs the meetings.
  • Secretary – takes notes during meetings and distributes these to attendees. May assist with content for Facebook page or PAC Website as needed.
  • Treasurer (shadowing the current incumbent for as much of this year as needed) – keeps the books, makes bank deposits, submits grant applications and reporting.
  • DPAC (District PAC) Coordinator – represents our PAC at monthly district-wide meetings and reports back to our PAC.

Training and support are available, but it’s important we get new people into these roles now, before years of experience walk out the door!

For those interested in helping out outside of holding an office, we have opportunities to assist with:

Organizers for Upcoming Events

There is a job for anyone!  If you aren’t yet on our Volunteer list, please follow this link to let us know how you hope to be involved this year.

Future events that will need volunteers include:

    • Movie Nights (TBD)
    • Pumpkin Patch
    • Santa’s Breakfast
    • Fun Fair Committee

If you are interested in any of these or would like more information, please reach out to us!

Contact Us

Email us at:

Follow us on Facebook for reminders for special events happening at the school: