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Back to School: September 6th

A reminder that school is scheduled to start next Tuesday, Sept. 6th with grades 1-7 students attending from 8:50-10:00. This year we are happy to welcome parents back into the building during drop off and pick up times! If you come to the school outside of those times, please check in at the office. 

Students are placed into tentative classes for the week and these should be finalized within the first week or two of September. 

Please have your child attend the following class: 

Grade 1s & 2s: Ms. Chin (Rm. 2) enter through the front doors 

Grade 3s: Ms. Youssefi (Rm. 3) enter through the front doors 

Grade 4s: wait in the undercover area by the gym (will enter the gym doors and be divided into classes) 

Grade 5s: Mr. Lathigee (Rm. 4) enter through the side/parking lot doors 

Grade 6s & 7s: Mr. Singh (Rm. 5) enter through the side/parking lot doors